This did not preclude good relations with Israel as a Jewish Last Database state, to which the surviving "true Jews" had emigrated (that is, those who conceived of their Judaism as a national identity to be distinguished from Polish and other Last Database national identities. After all, While in the Polish context the equivalence thesis is at least understandable, given historical events such as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and subsequent attempts by both empires to destroy the Polish nation, in the Hungarian Last Database context it can only work if we omit two facts important. First, far from being a casualty of.
Nazi Germany's eastward Last Database expansion like Poland, Hungary (like Slovakia, Croatia, and Romania) gained nominal independence, territory, or both by joining the Axis. Second, the murder of more than half a million Jewish-Hungarian civilians after the occupation of Hungary by the German army is not comparable to the crimes that the communists committed during the Soviet Last Database occupation of Hungary. Applebaum doesn't seem to notice. She is so blinded by the anti-totalitarian paradigm that she praises the House of Terror Last Database museum in Budapest, conceived and directed by Mária Schmidt, precisely for its symmetrical treatment of the crimes of the Arrow Cross (the Hungarian fascist party) and those of the communists. .
In both cases, they would be collaborators of two "evil empires" that invaded the territory of the Last Database country and terrorized Hungarian society. Applebaum completely misses the clearly ideological function of the museum's permanent exhibition: by focusing on the Last Database crimes against humanity committed on Hungarian soil by these two groups, By shifting the focus of attention from the content of a political project to the form of its Last Database promotion or the way it governs society, the anti-totalitarian framework relativizes not only the difference between the extreme right and the extreme left, but also ideological differences in general.